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Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
That´s it. Race is full. THX guys. Good luck!

edit: Please do not use some kind of bit torrent/emule/Skype etc. while racing on the oval. It´s very close racing so you need the best ping you can get.
Last edited by Crazy Harry, .
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
@Lucasinio: Just enter the Private Club Server, someone will pass you some sets. =)
100 laps GTR Event on KY1 today on FM Private Club
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Today 100 laps Oval Race with the GTR-Cars (XRR+FZR+FXR)

Location: FM Private Club Server. Password: noob

Free training 19.00 german time (UTC 17.00)
Qualification (3 single laps) 20.00 (UTC 18.00)

We use a rolling start with pace-car! (Speed limit 150 km/h)

Please add your name to the list below.
01. [FM]Crazy Harry
02. [FM]Dr.Bleifuss
03. [FM]^Laudi
04. {FIB} Lucasinio
05. ajp71
06. Catweazle
07. jegorchangai
09. (EAGLE)SicSRT-4
10. xWolFx
11. Eleanor SpeedGT
12. TeamPlayersBlue
13. jayhawk
14. RevengeR
15. CJ Ice
16. [FM]Plaztikman
17. The_Duke
18. Tomschok
19. [FM]^Blaster
20. [FM]^Failure

If someone needs a setup, here you are. =)

edit: UTC time added


We will have a single car qualification. This means everybody spectate and we run down the connection list.

You stay in spectate sice you see the message "(Your nick) PLEASE START YOUR OUTLAP"

Please no donuts and other things to heat your tires. Not everybody is able to warm tires without crashing. Warm tires are that important in the lfs engine that this will become unfair.

You have 3 laps. 2 outlaps and one fastlap. After you finished your 3. lap, please shift+s to leave the track as fast as possible because the next car is doing the quali.

After the quali you can pit out and practice some starts in the pits or mess around a bit. =)

Please stay INSIDE the pit area after qualification.

We have NO laglap, we do a flying start. Please use your pit limiter at start. After the race is started, a pacecar will pass all drivers and take the lead with 150 km/h (93 mph?)

After the first lap the pace car will spectate after crossing the start/finish lane. The message "PACE CAR pitted" means GREEN FLAG.

FM-Oval rules are simple:
Let faster cars pass inside, don´t block. Remember that they are 3 lines around the track not only 2. Maybe 2 cars want to pass you at the same time on the inside. Watch your mirrors, turn you head or go wide not to force a crash. The draft is huge, you can easiely speed up if someone passed you.

Obey the blue flag. Don´t slow down if someone tries to pass. Just go to the right side, stay high in turns and keep your speed.

In a 100 lapper you don´t have to shift+s after crash IF YOU CAN CLEAR THE BEST LINE. If your car doesn´t move at all, please shift+s to pit.

A pit stop in NOT required, but you have to pit if you use FZR. =)

Please join our ventrilo voice chat for the race. Also if you don´t have a mic or don´t want to talk. You can just listen. It´s very useful to hear something like "Car standing in turn 2 low" =)

Just dl the vent client under and follow the second link to connect to the server. Do NOT update ventrilo 2.1.4 if the program is asking. We run a 100 slot ventrilo. (48 slots used now)
Last edited by Crazy Harry, .
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Boo-Yaa Tribe - Creepin' Through Ya Hood
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Navid :some cars here have different model name with all country, IE do you know whats pegout 405RD ? its RWD 405 in iran, but other pegout 405 are FWD

I owned 6 405s (2x GRi, 2x SRi, 1x Mi16 and 1x Mi16x4) over the years as winter cars. Don´t forget the amazing Mi16x4
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :that looks very cool /download

Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :lol she's only been gone 10 days! ... I hope you guys start missing me that quick when I take a break. Oh wait, you already didn't .

Erm.. who are you?

@Ray: lol
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Done many months before. Just for fun a german police skin.
Where is Annabelle? :/
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Annabelle is not online Last race information: (14:45-29 Aug '06)
Host:Annabelle's racing club Position:1st out of 1, doing 15 laps
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Eh what? I see a picture with a Mondeo and a Sierra...

Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from mandalman :I think to be realistic we need an USB aural device to make the computer smell of hot oil and burnt rubber and there needs to be a dodgy burger van for sustenance in the pit lane - Any chance of these in the next upgrade please?

To be realistic imho a game would need "feelable g-forces". Not that active seat crap. But that´s impossible so imho gaming can´t be realistic at all. The skill of a gamer says nothing about his skill in real cars. Maybe the other way. Maybe a good car driver can imagine what to do in a game.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
DonUschi created an unnecessarily risky situation in the 1st corner, which ended up in a crash

Actually he doesn´t leave enough space for you. Block is what I call this. His fault.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Got a battle against a well known crasher!
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Citroen is (was) really a very cool and fancy factory.

Watch the beauties:
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Open again
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from AttaHorse : Not spend, waste.


But IMHO on KY1 (not so spell the bad word) the setup is still the most important part of the package:


@Atta: Do you play Sims? =)
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from hinirags :This isn't a 2CV, but a Dyane

Have a 71 Opel Commodore Coupe and a 79 Commodore Sedan. =)
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
19 right now
Nothing to do? Check out 8-Ball Banger
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Now on FM Fun! Server
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
I don´t like him. I hope he´ll leave. Several years of Formula Schumacher is enough.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
I would like to have a nude mod. Linsey McKenzie for example.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Official Junkies II Setup-pack is ready for download in the - Forum.

Racedetails in a bit....
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
:bowdown: Streets Ghost

Thx mate(s)
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :... Thus you might want to start Blackwood 400 meters from the start line in the BF1 (say), but just 100 meters in the UF1. ...

Erm... imho the other way, but anyway.

+1 for biggie

Pre-selected temperature would be very nice. But please up to 150+ degree. On the oval you need one or two laps to warm your tires before you can start your hotlap. Boring to make a mistake in T1 I tell you. For me it´s not a difference to start from track or pit. But I agree with the circuit hotlappers that it´s wasted time.

@Hyperactive: Drag is one on one. Rallye is imho near to hotlapping.